Thursday, March 27, 2008

Of Gravel Pads & Cabins

Over the winter we ordered 4 cabins. The gravel pads for the cabins were put in yesterday and I just got a report from our V.P. of Projects that they look great. He is at the site waiting for delivery of the cabins.

We went to several cabin and shed retailers and couldn't find what we wanted. None of them could deliver the roof pitch we wanted because it would be too big to deliver on a truck. So we went right to the manufacturer. They build the cabins at their facility and then deliver them in two parts. They put the roof on at your site. This allowed us to get a 10 over 12 roof pitch and give the cabins a really nice look. Without the right roof pitch, a cabin looks like a shed. We also got round topped doors as well as faux slate shingling. I don't get to see them until Saturday, but I'm very excited.

We ordered three 12x16 cabins for general use that should accomodate 8 people nicely and more if you cram. One of the owners also got a small 12x8 cabin for his and his family's use.

We intend to insulate the cabins and run electricity to them as well. The interiors are open to the studs currently, but they will be finished in the not so distant future. That's stuff we can do on our own and with volunteer help and will save us a lot of money. It will also allow us to customize them how we want them.

All in all, a big day for Faire Play.

P.S. I insisted on 7' walls instead of 6' for our tall friends. The cabins should have plenty of headroom.


Anonymous said...

He Scott, I was thinking of you guys this week when a friend told me about a film he was just in.
I know the working title was "Little Big Men".
Apparently the plot is that two guys gets stuck as a Big Brothers for community service and teamed up with some goofy kids, and one is a LARP player. So they filmed a Nero style battle in which my friend was a fighter. I think the film comes out this summer... it might be re-titled though.
Just an FYI that might be good for business.(ie: run an open themed weekend campaign during the film opening!)

PS: I'd love to come out and build stuff this summer... it's always good to have a friend in theater set design! Remember that arch-way out of foam-core?? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Beauteous!!! Sounds like Faire Play is going to be THE Premiere LARPing center in America.

-Seth/Ondreij (Caldaria)

Bully said...


Let us know when you are out here! We'd love to hang out. Sorry we missed you in L.A. We're hoping to make it out there this winter to see my new nephew and we'll definitely find some time to hang out with you!

Anonymous said...

I was actually in the movie itself. It was pretty cool how they presented LARP in general and they fed us well. they were originally going to use all real larpers for the larp scenes but only 6 of us actually made it. the movie itself has been retitled "Role Models" and airs November 17th, 2008